Do you guys have a fun filled weekend planned out?!
I do!!
You'll have to check back Monday to hear about it though.
Other than that little bit of excitement, (trust me, it's nothing major).
In other news: We finally got somewhere with the IRS. (read about the mess here) We are getting the FULL amount back!
We were a bit worried we'd get less back since we filed the injured spouse form and they basically told us that it'd be like David filing without me. But seeing as how I haven't worked in 6 years, they took David's money so we're getting it all back.
I'm not exactly sure the details but I sure all the details and I know that we still have a long way to go to clean up all the stuff on my credit report that isn't from me and clear my name so that this mess doesn't happen again in the future but for now, I am relieved. I am thankful.
I feel a bit silly being so excited to get OUR money back- it's not like a random little surprise, it's OURS and they took it wrongfully. Either way though, I feel relieved. We've decided to pay off what we can and then take the remainder and split it between the two of us.
David's already planned to spend just about every cent of his 1/2 on motorcycle parts.
I plan to just spend mine randomly. I'm gonna get the kids some new school clothes, get a new camera lens since mine was dropped or has sand in it or something but it doesn't auto focus like it's supposed to and drives me crazy. I'm going to get myself some new clothes, probably mostly shoes and accessories since I'm on this whole fit/lose weight/get MY body back kick, but I still need a few random articles of clothing to just spruce up my NOW wardrobe. And then I'll pick up a few odd & end things for David's wardrobe as well.
Oh and I'm going to preChristmas/birthday shop!! YES! Genius, huh?!
And then honestly, I'm just going to save it for all those little things that come up-- like giveaways, blogs I want to sponsor, when Fin's school sends home "buy a t-shirt" slips, when I just do NOT want to cook dinner, etc etc.
I wonder how many of you had some thought about David being selfish?
I don't think he is at all.
We decided to split whatever was leftover down the middle.
I'm choosing how to spend my share, he's choosing how to spend his.
It doesn't bother me that he's spending it on motorcycle parts.
Honestly, the only thing I really want out of that list above is a new camera lens.
I'm cheap though. I just can't spend a lot of money on myself. I don't know how.
Curious though, tell me what YOU would do if you got a decent chunk of change to just spend on yourself?!
Anyway, this weeks good deed:
Sooooo Thursday, David and I were out and about with the kiddos and decided to stop at Starbucks and it was the one on main post, not my local normal one where when David goes in to get my drink, they remind David that I don't like whipped cream on my drinks.
That should've been my first sign.
Second should have been that it was a newish girl. Aside from the fact that I'd only seen her once before (she messed up my drink order then), just the questions she was asking made me think she was newish.
Sooooo I ordered my $4.95 large mocha cookie crumble.
And I ordered 3 little vanilla bean scones. (3 for $2.45-thus saith the sign in front of them).
Now correct me if I'm wrong but my total should NOT have been $11.70.
Barely 5 plus Barely 3 equals barely 8. I get that that would include taxes but the $9.50 that I walked in there with should've been more than enough to cover it.
When she cashed it out, the receipt printed and I saw she'd rang me up for THREE blueberry somethings equaling $6 and some change. I point it out to her and she tells me that that's not my receipt.
I should not have looked like a fool paying with half cash and telling her I was going to pay the $2.20 with my card. I shouldn't have gotten evil looks for holding up the long line behind me.
So when she messed up and cancelled the order and they needed a manager, I kept my cool, grabbed my drink and stood around waiting.
The second lady in there asked me if I planned on shopping for a while, I responded with, "yeah. for a few minutes" and she asked me if I'd just stop back by.
I agree, go and find David.
I tell him all about it, he tells me that the drink I ordered is more than that and I explain to him that yes with the extra shot it it, but no it's not! I know how much it was! I paid attention before ordering so that I didn't go over my $9.50 cash.
So after being frustrated with the whole mess, he takes the kids to the car while I stand in the line to pay for my $2.20 that I was wrongfully charged.
I tell him that going back to pay for it WAS actually a good deed. He thought I was crazy but I could've just walked out without going back and not paid for it.
I'm not going to do that though, I waited patiently in line.
The second lady that told me to come back was shocked to see me and went & tracked down a manager.
The manager had her re-ring up my order where she did the same thing with the blueberry things, I said "I ordered three of the bean scones. 3 for $2.45" (and I swear to you, I have the nicest tone in all of this. I wasn't mad or grumpy at all.
So after ringing up my CORRECT order, my total came to under $9.50 and they actually owed me money.
It was insane. All of it was nuts.
But point of the matter, I remained super friendly during it all even when they were less than friendly all because I went back in there to try to pay for the remaining $2.20 that she said I owed.
Okay, ramble over.
What good deeds have you done this week?! Were you kind even when strangers weren't?
Do you get made when people mess up your order?
June 28, 2020
June 27, 2020
Dishes dishes dishes. #MyPlatinum
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Keeping up with dishes in our house is nearly impossible. Some days I do two loads a day! Like if I've made a big dinner the night before. The worst part is, our dishwasher is terrible. It's the one that came with the house (perks of military life) and we can't change it. It's terrible. I've cleaned it with every known Pinterest tip out there and to no avail, it just still kind of stinks.
I've tried many different detergents -liquid, powdered (which left my dishes feeling powdery) and even some tablet things. I haven't had much luck with any of them.
Until Cascade Platinum came into my life.
I'm not a dish rinser. I know that I should be but I just don't have the time.
I'll let stuff soak overnight if it really needs it, (Like the crockpot that I just used to make pulled pork) but otherwise, I just scrape our plates clean and pop em in the dishwasher and let it do it's thing.
These little things have helped me out SO much! I no longer dread having to rewash each load just to make sure they're clean! These cut my cleaning time in half! Literally! They eliminate the need to pre-wash and scrub away stuck on food that's been there for 24 hours! (Remember that crockpot pulled pork, I mentioned above?! Yup! CLEAN)
Be sure to head over and like them on facebook to stay up to date on all things Cascade!
Now, more than ever, people eat with their eyes, and the evidence is all over sites like Facebook and
Instagram. With that in mind, Top Chef judge and editor of Food+Wine magazine, Gail Simmons, has
partnered with Cascade to discuss why presentation is just as important as preparation.
“The easiest recipes pop with unexpected, gourmet presentations. Drizzle bright sauces on sparkling white plates or layer desserts in crystal-clean glassware. Keep your presentation sparkling with Cascade Platinum, which keeps dishes perfect for anytime entertaining and impromptu guests.”-Gail Simmons
Learn more about Cascade’s partnership with Gail Simmons by viewing videos available on the Link to the Cascade Facebook page: and Cascade YouTube page:
“The easiest recipes pop with unexpected, gourmet presentations. Drizzle bright sauces on sparkling white plates or layer desserts in crystal-clean glassware. Keep your presentation sparkling with Cascade Platinum, which keeps dishes perfect for anytime entertaining and impromptu guests.”-Gail Simmons
Learn more about Cascade’s partnership with Gail Simmons by viewing videos available on the Link to the Cascade Facebook page: and Cascade YouTube page:
The Cascade “My Platinum” contest is a four-week Instagram contest encouraging fans to
upload photos related to the weekly contest themes. Show off how sparkly Cascade makes all
your pots, pan and plates!
Visit the contest landing page ( for information on how to
enter and submit images.
Each week, two contestants will be selected to receive a brand new Whirlpool
dishwasher. Additionally, one lucky grand prize winner will receive a Platinum kitchen.
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating
June 26, 2020
A guest post and a giveaway for you!
hello friends of amber on my three bittles!!
my name is neri and it rhymes with betty. i'm so excited to be here today!
i'm a:
6 DIY Ideas to Liven Up Your Living Room
6 DIY Ideas to Liven Up Your Living Room
Your living room is probably where you spend most of your time entertaining guests or being with your family. It is a room that needs to feel comfortable, as well as aesthetically pleasing. There are plenty of inexpensive ways that you can spice up your living room that do not cost a lot of money or take weeks to complete.
Your living room is probably where you spend most of your time entertaining guests or being with your family. It is a room that needs to feel comfortable, as well as aesthetically pleasing. There are plenty of inexpensive ways that you can spice up your living room that do not cost a lot of money or take weeks to complete.
June 25, 2020
Mommy Juice meets Vino2Go!
Hey hey! Happy Tuesday!
Today I wanna share with you two amazing things.
Yup, two!
First off,
Mommy juice.
Made for Mommys by Mommys!
You heard me..... MOMMY JUICE!
This is awesome.
I mean the name alone sucked me in!
I was sent a box of red wine and white wine. I immediately stuck em in the ice bucket and then later had myself a glass!
Try it.
I recommend it!
You can find them here on facebook, or here on twitter. Or just here on their site!
Next up, I'm sure you've already heard of these around the interwebs, but Vino2go from The Product Farm!
These things are awesome! I lucked out and got a regular sized one, an XL and a brew2go for David.
He was excited about this and immediately filled it up and took it to the pool with us! HA!
Anyway, the fabulous people of Vine2Go are offering you guys, my lovely bloggy readers the chance to win a Vine2Go XL AND a Brew2Go (colors of your choice)!! YAY!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Today I wanna share with you two amazing things.
Yup, two!
First off,
Mommy juice.
Made for Mommys by Mommys!
You heard me..... MOMMY JUICE!
This is awesome.
I mean the name alone sucked me in!
I was sent a box of red wine and white wine. I immediately stuck em in the ice bucket and then later had myself a glass!
Try it.
I recommend it!
You can find them here on facebook, or here on twitter. Or just here on their site!

Next up, I'm sure you've already heard of these around the interwebs, but Vino2go from The Product Farm!
![]() | |
Filled up with some mommy juice! |
These things are awesome! I lucked out and got a regular sized one, an XL and a brew2go for David.
He was excited about this and immediately filled it up and took it to the pool with us! HA!
Anyway, the fabulous people of Vine2Go are offering you guys, my lovely bloggy readers the chance to win a Vine2Go XL AND a Brew2Go (colors of your choice)!! YAY!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
June 24, 2020
Monday morning feeling fine.
Oil changes
Clear skies! (The whole week that David's parents were in town it poured-the day they left it was sunny)
I got dressed. Like in real clothes and makeup.
June 21, 2020
The McCain Family Summer Bucket List
Happy Friday guys.
Since today is the first day of summer, it seemed only appropriate to share with you our summer bucket list!! YAY!!!
(Summer started a while ago here in Georgia but ya know)
Since today is the first day of summer, it seemed only appropriate to share with you our summer bucket list!! YAY!!!
(Summer started a while ago here in Georgia but ya know)
June 20, 2020
Goodies Co.
As a mom, I strive to to keep my kids healthy and happy.
Snack time around these parts is constantly changing, otherwise they get so bored and end up not eating lunch or not eating their snacks then I get annoyed that the money spent has just gone to waste.
I see snacks all the time that I want to try out but end up not buying them because I don't want to waste the money on them if the kids don't end up eating them.
This is where Goodies Co. comes in.
Subscribers to the Goodies Co. Taster’s Box receive a monthly box of 5-8 snacks for $7/month. Customers are asked to review products they’ve received, and can accumulate points to redeem for a free Taster’s Box and other rewards. Since trying new snacks can be risky and time-consuming, the Goodies Co. Taster’s Box gives everyone a chance to discover their tastes.
Please Note: Goodies Co. currently only ships to the continental US.
5-8 snacks for only $7 a month! Umm, YES! I've signed up! That's an amazing thing! You get to try all kinds of new goodies without having to actually buy them and end up not loving them! And you can't beat $7 a month! I've seen people pay up to $40 a month for random boxes so again I say, you CAN'T beat $7 a month!
Signing up is literally as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Enter your email on the landing page
2. Create your account by selecting a password.
3. Enter payment information.
Head HERE & sign up!
Be sure to watch my instagram or twitter for when I receive my first box and share it with you guys!
Snack time around these parts is constantly changing, otherwise they get so bored and end up not eating lunch or not eating their snacks then I get annoyed that the money spent has just gone to waste.
I see snacks all the time that I want to try out but end up not buying them because I don't want to waste the money on them if the kids don't end up eating them.
This is where Goodies Co. comes in.
Subscribers to the Goodies Co. Taster’s Box receive a monthly box of 5-8 snacks for $7/month. Customers are asked to review products they’ve received, and can accumulate points to redeem for a free Taster’s Box and other rewards. Since trying new snacks can be risky and time-consuming, the Goodies Co. Taster’s Box gives everyone a chance to discover their tastes.
Please Note: Goodies Co. currently only ships to the continental US.
5-8 snacks for only $7 a month! Umm, YES! I've signed up! That's an amazing thing! You get to try all kinds of new goodies without having to actually buy them and end up not loving them! And you can't beat $7 a month! I've seen people pay up to $40 a month for random boxes so again I say, you CAN'T beat $7 a month!
Signing up is literally as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Enter your email on the landing page
2. Create your account by selecting a password.
3. Enter payment information.
Head HERE & sign up!
Be sure to watch my instagram or twitter for when I receive my first box and share it with you guys!
June 19, 2020
Top 7 Most Glamourous Cities In the United States
Top 7 Most Glamourous Cities In the United States
In terms of beautiful people, wealthy professionals, high-fashion hubs, and all-around picturesque towns, there's an abundance of glamorous cities in the U.S. While some of these cities are beautifully groomed to perfection, others are boasting rich lifestyles that'd make most of us jealous. With three spots in California and two in Florida, one has to wonder if the gorgeous coastlines have something to do with the undeniable glamour.
7. San Francisco, California

image via Flickr by Jdub-1980
At first sight, San Francisco doesn't seem so glamorous. It's an old California coastal city with plenty of poverty and tons of obnoxious tourists. However, SF is ranked as the second most expensive place to live in all of the U.S. With a world-renowned restaurant scene and a giant prosperous tech hub, living here comfortably demands at least a six-digit income.
6. Miami Beach, Florida

Image via Flickr by jikatu
Looking for bronzed beach babes wearing skimpy thongs, exclusive nightclubs filled with sexy people, and yachts covering every marina? Welcome to Miami, a city that parties until the early hours of the morning. It's filled with savvy businessmen, wealthy doctors, and models galore.
5. Boca Raton, Florida

Image via Flickr by Charlie Anzman
Not far north of Miami stands a beach town with tons of rich and successful people. The cost of living in this small suburban city is comparable to Miami Beach. The houses are huge, the cars are striking, and the city streets look as though they've come straight out of a magazine. The city seems like a perfectly manicured apparition every time you drive through it.
4. Honolulu, Hawaii

Image via Flickr by Alan Light
Home to some of the most incredible beaches in the world, living in Honolulu is something most people can only dream about. With a prominent financial scene, it attracts tons of banking hot-shots who get to call this paradise home. Furthermore, the city's famous Waikiki Beach is known for frequent celebrity sightings and modeling shoots year around.
3. San Diego, California

Image via Flickr by Tomcio77
Boasting phenomenal weather, amazing beaches, and fun nightlife, it makes sense that San Diego is filled with glamourous people. With more salons than grocery stores, its residents clearly care more about their hair-dos and facials than they do about eating. The beach city also gives Las Vegas a run for its money in terms of a stellar night scene
2. New York City, New York

Image via Flickr by NYCphotos-flickr
A list of glamorous cities wouldn't be complete without the fashion capital of the USA. The Big Apple isn't only home to prestigious designers. It's also the city where hundreds of celebrities love to live. With numerous entertainment options, there's always something to spend money on. Whether you're buying New York Mets tickets or passes to a Broadway show, the city screams glamour in every way.
1. Los Angeles, California

Image via Flickr by elfidomx
With its hundreds of A-list celebrities, LA is the king of glamour. Although it has a reputation for being a tough city to get a break, it's also a city known for giant bank accounts, ageless beauty and high-class parties. In LA, it's all about the people who know and how much cash your wallet contains. If that doesn't say "glamour" then nothing does.
Although these cities insist an everlasting money supply, good looks, and allure, who's to say your charming city isn't glamorous in its own right? Much like with beauty, glamour is only in the eye of the beholder.
In terms of beautiful people, wealthy professionals, high-fashion hubs, and all-around picturesque towns, there's an abundance of glamorous cities in the U.S. While some of these cities are beautifully groomed to perfection, others are boasting rich lifestyles that'd make most of us jealous. With three spots in California and two in Florida, one has to wonder if the gorgeous coastlines have something to do with the undeniable glamour.
7. San Francisco, California

image via Flickr by Jdub-1980
At first sight, San Francisco doesn't seem so glamorous. It's an old California coastal city with plenty of poverty and tons of obnoxious tourists. However, SF is ranked as the second most expensive place to live in all of the U.S. With a world-renowned restaurant scene and a giant prosperous tech hub, living here comfortably demands at least a six-digit income.
6. Miami Beach, Florida

Image via Flickr by jikatu
Looking for bronzed beach babes wearing skimpy thongs, exclusive nightclubs filled with sexy people, and yachts covering every marina? Welcome to Miami, a city that parties until the early hours of the morning. It's filled with savvy businessmen, wealthy doctors, and models galore.
5. Boca Raton, Florida

Image via Flickr by Charlie Anzman
Not far north of Miami stands a beach town with tons of rich and successful people. The cost of living in this small suburban city is comparable to Miami Beach. The houses are huge, the cars are striking, and the city streets look as though they've come straight out of a magazine. The city seems like a perfectly manicured apparition every time you drive through it.
4. Honolulu, Hawaii

Image via Flickr by Alan Light
Home to some of the most incredible beaches in the world, living in Honolulu is something most people can only dream about. With a prominent financial scene, it attracts tons of banking hot-shots who get to call this paradise home. Furthermore, the city's famous Waikiki Beach is known for frequent celebrity sightings and modeling shoots year around.
3. San Diego, California

Image via Flickr by Tomcio77
Boasting phenomenal weather, amazing beaches, and fun nightlife, it makes sense that San Diego is filled with glamourous people. With more salons than grocery stores, its residents clearly care more about their hair-dos and facials than they do about eating. The beach city also gives Las Vegas a run for its money in terms of a stellar night scene
2. New York City, New York

Image via Flickr by NYCphotos-flickr
A list of glamorous cities wouldn't be complete without the fashion capital of the USA. The Big Apple isn't only home to prestigious designers. It's also the city where hundreds of celebrities love to live. With numerous entertainment options, there's always something to spend money on. Whether you're buying New York Mets tickets or passes to a Broadway show, the city screams glamour in every way.
1. Los Angeles, California

Image via Flickr by elfidomx
With its hundreds of A-list celebrities, LA is the king of glamour. Although it has a reputation for being a tough city to get a break, it's also a city known for giant bank accounts, ageless beauty and high-class parties. In LA, it's all about the people who know and how much cash your wallet contains. If that doesn't say "glamour" then nothing does.
Although these cities insist an everlasting money supply, good looks, and allure, who's to say your charming city isn't glamorous in its own right? Much like with beauty, glamour is only in the eye of the beholder.
Fondue for two.
Today I have my -in real life- friend, Tawny guest posting for me since we have the in laws in town!
Go say hi to her! Be sure to leave her some love! Doesn't this recipe look delicious?! YUM!
Hi! I'm Tawny and I blog over at Tawny's Tid Bits! I'm a newbie blogger, been blogging since February 2013. I'm getting the hang of things and loving everyone that I'm meeting!
Gotta mention how I know Amber. We used to waitress together. She was my bosses niece! We fell outta touch (probably 5+ years since we worked together), but when I fell in love with her blog and wanted to do one of my own (New Years Resolution), we got back in touch! Wouldn't change it for the world! :)
Over at my blog, who knows what I'll blog about! I'd have to characterize myself as blogging about daily life, nothing is held back! Here is a little more about me. And the time I did my first 1/2 marathon, by the way signed up for the one for next year just the other day. And for those runners.... check out the Pace DJ app, pretty amazing! I also host a link up on Sunday's called Insta-Recap of My Instagram. On Tuesday I co-host a linkup called Weekly TV Roundup! I would love for you to join me!
Now onto my gift for you. A recipe!!! I love food... and I love cheese! Who doesn't love cheese?! This is a pretty simple recipe, the cheese is a little expensive, but it's worth it! This recipe can easily feed 2, probably 4, depends how hungry you are!
What you'll need:
You will grate your cheese and toss the corn starch and pepper around in the cheese.
Heat your wine in a pan, add your garlic, do not let it boil! Once it gets hot, you'll add the cheese a little at a time, don't dump the whole thing in there at once. Once the cheese gets to the right consistency add in the kirsch. If the cheese is too thin, just add some corn starch. But beware, a little goes a long way. :)
Also during this time, you'll be baking the french bread and cutting it. So it's best to have someone doing this one on the side.
The recipe is so short and simple that I'll add the pictures now instead of "in" the instructions.
I hope y'all try this recipe and please let me know how it tastes! Can't wait to hear from y'all!
Go say hi to her! Be sure to leave her some love! Doesn't this recipe look delicious?! YUM!
Hi! I'm Tawny and I blog over at Tawny's Tid Bits! I'm a newbie blogger, been blogging since February 2013. I'm getting the hang of things and loving everyone that I'm meeting!
Gotta mention how I know Amber. We used to waitress together. She was my bosses niece! We fell outta touch (probably 5+ years since we worked together), but when I fell in love with her blog and wanted to do one of my own (New Years Resolution), we got back in touch! Wouldn't change it for the world! :)
Over at my blog, who knows what I'll blog about! I'd have to characterize myself as blogging about daily life, nothing is held back! Here is a little more about me. And the time I did my first 1/2 marathon, by the way signed up for the one for next year just the other day. And for those runners.... check out the Pace DJ app, pretty amazing! I also host a link up on Sunday's called Insta-Recap of My Instagram. On Tuesday I co-host a linkup called Weekly TV Roundup! I would love for you to join me!
Now onto my gift for you. A recipe!!! I love food... and I love cheese! Who doesn't love cheese?! This is a pretty simple recipe, the cheese is a little expensive, but it's worth it! This recipe can easily feed 2, probably 4, depends how hungry you are!
What you'll need:
- 2-3 cloves of garlic (minced)
- 1 1/2 cup of wine (Riesling)
- 1 pound Natural Gruyere Cheese (do not used processed) - you can find this usually at Kroger, not where like the shredded cheese and/or singles are.
- 2 teaspoon cornstarch
- (if wanted) 3 tablespoons of Kirsch (cherry liquor)
- Black Pepper to taste
- 2 French loaves
You will grate your cheese and toss the corn starch and pepper around in the cheese.
Heat your wine in a pan, add your garlic, do not let it boil! Once it gets hot, you'll add the cheese a little at a time, don't dump the whole thing in there at once. Once the cheese gets to the right consistency add in the kirsch. If the cheese is too thin, just add some corn starch. But beware, a little goes a long way. :)
Also during this time, you'll be baking the french bread and cutting it. So it's best to have someone doing this one on the side.
The recipe is so short and simple that I'll add the pictures now instead of "in" the instructions.
Toss the corn starch in with the cheese (I'm bad and forgot to take "that" picture). |
My lovely fondue pot! Not what I cooked in! |
I hope y'all try this recipe and please let me know how it tastes! Can't wait to hear from y'all!
June 18, 2020
My top ten tips for buying and selling on sale sites.
Craigslist, Bookoo, Facebook sales pages, etc etc.
You know what I'm talking about.
And if not, well..... wow. Just wow.
You know what I'm talking about.
And if not, well..... wow. Just wow.
June 17, 2020
When you see that plus sign....
More likely than not, a plus sign makes you pretty freakin' happy to see.
But what most people don't take into account when they get pregnant is the future.
I know that I sure didn't.
As far as I thought was pregnancy and then a baby.....
I never even thought about when that baby starts growing up.
Potty training:
Our experience here wasn't terrible (so far). There was one night that Maddie experienced a bit of constipation. I mean bad bad bad. I finally went out and bought some children's laxative to help her out. Ended up giving her a tad too much. Woke up a t 3am to poor Maddie SCREAMING, covered in poop (I was VERY pregnant with Owen at the time) and freaking out because she couldn't stop. We managed to run down the hallway stripping (and still pooping all over the carpet) to the bathroom where she cried and finished up. I then popped her in the tub and began cleaning up the trail.... it was lovely. I get a little sick to my stomach just thinking about that night.
When we first moved out of our Alaska house and onto the on post house, we had to pay to replace the carpets from Fin's potty training accident. Even though I cleaned them up better than ever, it still did damage to the padding under the carpet.
Talks:Fin has asked us about God/Heaven.
Asked about death.
We've answered so so many questions that we just never really thought twice about until our children ask/wonder.
Teach them to your child at a young age.
Ours say "ma'am" and "sir", "please" and "thank you" etc etc.
How to act in public. How to act at home. Etc etc.
But it goes a bit farther than that.
One day you'll have to explain to your child that he doesn't just enter someone's house without someone saying it's okay.
The other day Fin was hanging out with his little friend that lives a few houses down and he just followed her in her house without even asking me or her parents. I hung my head in shame but realized we'd never taught him otherwise because we'd never had that issue come up.
And then one day you wake up and realize that everything you taught your child goes out the window when he makes a friend whose parents raise him/her completely different.
David and I do not think that Fin is old enough to play outside without us. (Back yard, yes. Front yard-road, neighbors, etc-No!)
His little friend apparently is old enough to do so.
The past four days in a row she's knocked on our doorbell to see if Fin can play.
One night at 8pm. Fin was already in bed.
She's the same age as him and rides her bike all around, back and forth across the street, etc etc.
I know of her mother- I'd see her outside picking up her child when I'd pick up Fin from school but that's it.
The other day we told Fin he could go to the park with her. Two houses down, we can see it from our backyard. It started raining before they left our house so that was cancelled. Well the next day our doorbell dings, Fin goes out to talk to her and I tell him I'll be right there. I shut the door to grab my shoes and open it to find that they're gone.
Not a happy momma here....
I walk out onto the sidewalk, look around for them.
Then her mother yells (from four houses down) "they're at the spinny park"--the one two houses down that we told him the other day he could go to.
So then we had to sit him down and explain that it was not okay to just leave without asking us.
Then we walked him (and her) to her house to ask her parents if she could play in our house.
Fin just followed her in like it was no big thing. *hangs head in shame*
Her dad says no but her mother had already said yes. The dad then goes in to talk to the mom. I'm standing across the street with Maddie and I don't know if he just doesn't realize that I'm Fin's mom or what but neither of them say anything to me.
I have no idea their names, if they really said she could play in our house or not.
She was here for about 15 minutes before I sent her home because dinner was done.
But not without all the "can she stay for dinner", "Can she stay the night" questions.
During dinner we had to explain to Fin that he HAD to pay attention, look both ways before crossing streets and not just cross because his friend did..... that it's not really okay to just walk into someones house. Had to explain that he ALWAYS has to let us know where he is going even if he's at her house and they decide to go to the park. ALWAYS has to ask us, etc etc.
David and I disagree on quite a few things when it comes to the way we're raising them.
It's rough at times, we talk through it, compromise, etc etc.
We never thought to discuss how we'd raise our kids before we had kids.
Just like we never thought that it was time to teach Fin about playing outside without us. (neither of us think he's ready for that by they way. Fin's attention span is way too short for that)
But my point is, that plus sign means more than just being pregnant and having a baby.
It means, diapers, dances, driving, dates, death, etc etc.
So all my preggo friends: think about this. Have a plan so that when your kid's friend from school comes knocking on the door asking if he can come play when they're both 5 years old, you'll know how to handle it.
I'm planning on going and introducing myself to her parents before they even think about hanging out again. I wouldn't be comfortable with my kids playing at someone else's house if I didn't even know their dang names. *sigh*
But what most people don't take into account when they get pregnant is the future.
I know that I sure didn't.
As far as I thought was pregnancy and then a baby.....
I never even thought about when that baby starts growing up.
Potty training:
Our experience here wasn't terrible (so far). There was one night that Maddie experienced a bit of constipation. I mean bad bad bad. I finally went out and bought some children's laxative to help her out. Ended up giving her a tad too much. Woke up a t 3am to poor Maddie SCREAMING, covered in poop (I was VERY pregnant with Owen at the time) and freaking out because she couldn't stop. We managed to run down the hallway stripping (and still pooping all over the carpet) to the bathroom where she cried and finished up. I then popped her in the tub and began cleaning up the trail.... it was lovely. I get a little sick to my stomach just thinking about that night.
When we first moved out of our Alaska house and onto the on post house, we had to pay to replace the carpets from Fin's potty training accident. Even though I cleaned them up better than ever, it still did damage to the padding under the carpet.
Talks:Fin has asked us about God/Heaven.
Asked about death.
We've answered so so many questions that we just never really thought twice about until our children ask/wonder.
Teach them to your child at a young age.
Ours say "ma'am" and "sir", "please" and "thank you" etc etc.
How to act in public. How to act at home. Etc etc.
But it goes a bit farther than that.
One day you'll have to explain to your child that he doesn't just enter someone's house without someone saying it's okay.
The other day Fin was hanging out with his little friend that lives a few houses down and he just followed her in her house without even asking me or her parents. I hung my head in shame but realized we'd never taught him otherwise because we'd never had that issue come up.
And then one day you wake up and realize that everything you taught your child goes out the window when he makes a friend whose parents raise him/her completely different.
David and I do not think that Fin is old enough to play outside without us. (Back yard, yes. Front yard-road, neighbors, etc-No!)
His little friend apparently is old enough to do so.
The past four days in a row she's knocked on our doorbell to see if Fin can play.
One night at 8pm. Fin was already in bed.
She's the same age as him and rides her bike all around, back and forth across the street, etc etc.
I know of her mother- I'd see her outside picking up her child when I'd pick up Fin from school but that's it.
The other day we told Fin he could go to the park with her. Two houses down, we can see it from our backyard. It started raining before they left our house so that was cancelled. Well the next day our doorbell dings, Fin goes out to talk to her and I tell him I'll be right there. I shut the door to grab my shoes and open it to find that they're gone.
Not a happy momma here....
I walk out onto the sidewalk, look around for them.
Then her mother yells (from four houses down) "they're at the spinny park"--the one two houses down that we told him the other day he could go to.
So then we had to sit him down and explain that it was not okay to just leave without asking us.
Then we walked him (and her) to her house to ask her parents if she could play in our house.
Fin just followed her in like it was no big thing. *hangs head in shame*
Her dad says no but her mother had already said yes. The dad then goes in to talk to the mom. I'm standing across the street with Maddie and I don't know if he just doesn't realize that I'm Fin's mom or what but neither of them say anything to me.
I have no idea their names, if they really said she could play in our house or not.
She was here for about 15 minutes before I sent her home because dinner was done.
But not without all the "can she stay for dinner", "Can she stay the night" questions.
During dinner we had to explain to Fin that he HAD to pay attention, look both ways before crossing streets and not just cross because his friend did..... that it's not really okay to just walk into someones house. Had to explain that he ALWAYS has to let us know where he is going even if he's at her house and they decide to go to the park. ALWAYS has to ask us, etc etc.
David and I disagree on quite a few things when it comes to the way we're raising them.
It's rough at times, we talk through it, compromise, etc etc.
We never thought to discuss how we'd raise our kids before we had kids.
Just like we never thought that it was time to teach Fin about playing outside without us. (neither of us think he's ready for that by they way. Fin's attention span is way too short for that)
But my point is, that plus sign means more than just being pregnant and having a baby.
It means, diapers, dances, driving, dates, death, etc etc.
So all my preggo friends: think about this. Have a plan so that when your kid's friend from school comes knocking on the door asking if he can come play when they're both 5 years old, you'll know how to handle it.
I'm planning on going and introducing myself to her parents before they even think about hanging out again. I wouldn't be comfortable with my kids playing at someone else's house if I didn't even know their dang names. *sigh*
June 14, 2020
We want to be world travelers.
This picture is irrelevant. This post just needed a picture. We were
babies though. This was my 21st birthday many many years ago.
David and I had plans and still do to this day to travel.
A lot.
Obviously that's been put on a hold a bit due to small children and you know, his military commitment.
Pish posh kinds of things. (I kid, I kid).
But once he retires and the kids are out of the house we fully intend on becoming world travelers!
Sorry kiddos, don't expect to live with us forever! *wink*
Anyway, I've talked about traveling before.
I've shared tips, had guest posts, talked a little bit about fliying from Alaska to Georgia and then driving the seven hours to Tennessee.
You can read about all of that mess here.
But I don't think I've ever really talked about all the great places that David and I plan on going.
While he's in the army we actually sort of hope to live in Hawaii for a bit and maybe Germany.
David has tried many many a times to convince me to move to Japan.
I tell him that I am just very unsure of living in Japan.
As unsure of where we want to live, it's the exact opposite when it comes to where we want to travel.
We know that we want to eventually travel through Europe, tour Vienna, spend some time in Ireland, etc etc.
I know that the accents will just make me all weak in the knees.
I know that the different food will please David.
And I'm super thankful for the internet where planning trips like that becomes easier.
On we can book hotels and compare prices, check availability, etc etc.
It makes planning for the future trips easier when we are able to get a budget in mind.
Plus it's just really really fun to sit and think about our future traveling plans and it's a nice little bonding thing we do to browse traveling sites and learn random tidbits about the places that we'll eventually travel to.
Do you guys have future travel plans?
Where have you been so far?
Do you daydream about it like we do?
David and I had plans and still do to this day to travel.
A lot.
Obviously that's been put on a hold a bit due to small children and you know, his military commitment.
Pish posh kinds of things. (I kid, I kid).
But once he retires and the kids are out of the house we fully intend on becoming world travelers!
Sorry kiddos, don't expect to live with us forever! *wink*
Anyway, I've talked about traveling before.
I've shared tips, had guest posts, talked a little bit about fliying from Alaska to Georgia and then driving the seven hours to Tennessee.
You can read about all of that mess here.
But I don't think I've ever really talked about all the great places that David and I plan on going.
While he's in the army we actually sort of hope to live in Hawaii for a bit and maybe Germany.
David has tried many many a times to convince me to move to Japan.
I tell him that I am just very unsure of living in Japan.
As unsure of where we want to live, it's the exact opposite when it comes to where we want to travel.
We know that we want to eventually travel through Europe, tour Vienna, spend some time in Ireland, etc etc.
I know that the accents will just make me all weak in the knees.
I know that the different food will please David.
And I'm super thankful for the internet where planning trips like that becomes easier.
On we can book hotels and compare prices, check availability, etc etc.
It makes planning for the future trips easier when we are able to get a budget in mind.
Plus it's just really really fun to sit and think about our future traveling plans and it's a nice little bonding thing we do to browse traveling sites and learn random tidbits about the places that we'll eventually travel to.
Do you guys have future travel plans?
Where have you been so far?
Do you daydream about it like we do?
Let's be real.
Let's talk about sponsorship/advertising, all that mess.
I firmly think that you guys should head over here and buy yourself an ad.
I give 110% to my sponsors!!
Don't believe me?! Read the testimonials!
I firmly think that you guys should head over here and buy yourself an ad.
I give 110% to my sponsors!!
Don't believe me?! Read the testimonials!
June 13, 2020
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Rite Aid Tugaboos diapers.
Tugaboos Tugaboos,
Tugaboos for me,
Tugaboos for you!
Like my rhyme? I rhyme all the time!
The kids don't care either way,
But David joins in and saves the day.
Okay, enough of that nonsense.
And after reading that I realize how terrible it was of a rhyme. (I had to ask David how to spell "rhyme" because it just didn't look right to me and then I still Googled it to double check)
Anyway, as a mom of three, diapers should be my middle name.
It's Nicole in case you're wondering.
But I've spent a lot of time dealing with diapers, picking out diapers, comparing diapers and their prices, figuring out which brand works for when, etc etc. Each kid was different. Owen has been the worst with diapers though.
And so far I am LOVING these Tugaboos diapers from Rite Aid.
We have had ZERO leaks and that is a huge deal.
When it comes to Owen, he has learned how to get out of them and wiggle them so loose to the point that it's about to fall off of him so just about every morning when I go to get him, he's either soaked or has a few wet spots on him resulting in a bath for him and a major laundry day for me.
But with Tugaboo diaper we have had no leak what so ever! You guys, THIS IS HUGE!! HUGE!!
They absorb like no other! They actually stay put, stay in place like they're supposed to! It is amazing! I am in love! WITH A DIAPER!!
Bonus: they have a hypoallergenic inner liner, a cottony soft feel, and they have soft stretchable waist and side panels!
All of which are major wins in my book!
If you have had experience with diapers, you know I speak the truth there.
There you have it.
My take on Tugaboos diapers.
You can pick up some for yourself at your local Rite Aid.
I also posted some pictures of Baby Owen wearing them on my instagram but didn't want to overload this post with too many pictures. My instagram name is ambermack
For the month of June, all Tugaboos purchases will earn an entry into the Tugaboos and Vera Bradley Sweepstakes!
With every in-store purchase of qualifying Tugaboos products using your wellness+ card at any Rite Aid store between June 1-30, 2013, you will receive an entry for a chance to win one of (25) Vera Bradley Designer Diaper Bags filled with select Tugaboos products.
To enter without making a purchase, complete this entry form now:
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Rite Aid.
Tugaboos Tugaboos,
Tugaboos for me,
Tugaboos for you!
Like my rhyme? I rhyme all the time!
The kids don't care either way,
But David joins in and saves the day.
Okay, enough of that nonsense.
And after reading that I realize how terrible it was of a rhyme. (I had to ask David how to spell "rhyme" because it just didn't look right to me and then I still Googled it to double check)
Anyway, as a mom of three, diapers should be my middle name.
It's Nicole in case you're wondering.
But I've spent a lot of time dealing with diapers, picking out diapers, comparing diapers and their prices, figuring out which brand works for when, etc etc. Each kid was different. Owen has been the worst with diapers though.
And so far I am LOVING these Tugaboos diapers from Rite Aid.
We have had ZERO leaks and that is a huge deal.
When it comes to Owen, he has learned how to get out of them and wiggle them so loose to the point that it's about to fall off of him so just about every morning when I go to get him, he's either soaked or has a few wet spots on him resulting in a bath for him and a major laundry day for me.
But with Tugaboo diaper we have had no leak what so ever! You guys, THIS IS HUGE!! HUGE!!
They absorb like no other! They actually stay put, stay in place like they're supposed to! It is amazing! I am in love! WITH A DIAPER!!
Bonus: they have a hypoallergenic inner liner, a cottony soft feel, and they have soft stretchable waist and side panels!
All of which are major wins in my book!
If you have had experience with diapers, you know I speak the truth there.
There you have it.
My take on Tugaboos diapers.
You can pick up some for yourself at your local Rite Aid.
I also posted some pictures of Baby Owen wearing them on my instagram but didn't want to overload this post with too many pictures. My instagram name is ambermack
For the month of June, all Tugaboos purchases will earn an entry into the Tugaboos and Vera Bradley Sweepstakes!
With every in-store purchase of qualifying Tugaboos products using your wellness+ card at any Rite Aid store between June 1-30, 2013, you will receive an entry for a chance to win one of (25) Vera Bradley Designer Diaper Bags filled with select Tugaboos products.
To enter without making a purchase, complete this entry form now:
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Rite Aid.
June 12, 2020
U by Kotex (sponsored)

If you're a male reader (do I even have any of those?!), you might wanna skip this post!
Today I'm going to talk to you guys about Tampons. Yup, you read that right..... TAMPONS!
Why you ask?! Well, because I keep it real, that's why! Duh!
You act as if you didn't know that already!
My go-to tampon and absolute favorite is honestly, U by Kotex in *Click* version (the compact ones)!
I know you have a favorite too, don't try to lie to me.
U by Kotex (Click version) is my favorite because:
The box itself kind of makes me not dread buying them.
The colorful wrapping actually makes me a little happier inside when it's time for me to need them.
The compact size is just THE best! It's so much easier to just conveniently tuck away in your pocket or purse.
They start compact, but expands to full size with just one Click.
The slim applicator features a smooth tip for easy, comfortable insertion.
I much much prefer plastic to cardboard. Can I get an "amen" here?!
They are available in Regular, Super and Super Plus, which well..... some days you just need other sizes.
You have to admit, those colors just make you not hate em!
Plus, the myth or fact on the back of the box.... well I'm a sucker for random facts. I blame David for this. And Jenny G. They're both full of random knowledge that drives me crazy but at the same time makes me a sucker for things like this.
I had NO idea that working out while cramping would actually ease cramps! Did you!? If you did know that, don't tell me. I'd rather not feel dumb for not knowing that. Thank you. Ha.
Anyway, with U by Kotex, I just feel protected against any random accidents and/or embarrassing situations that might
Find them on Facebook.
Follow them on twitter.
You can even try U by Kotex out for yourself!
Click to get a FREE SAMPLE for yourself!
You're welcome.
I actually can't take credit for that free sample but still.
I wrote this review while participating in a content series through Clever Girls Collective on behalf of U by Kotex, and received products to facilitate my post and compensation for my time to participate.
You can even try U by Kotex out for yourself!
Click to get a FREE SAMPLE for yourself!
You're welcome.
I actually can't take credit for that free sample but still.
I wrote this review while participating in a content series through Clever Girls Collective on behalf of U by Kotex, and received products to facilitate my post and compensation for my time to participate.
June 11, 2020
To Do Procrastinator.
My current to-do list is like 50 miles long.
I might be slightly exaggerating but only slightly.
It's totally at least 20 miles long.
And instead of knocking ANY of the the things off the list, I'm here... blogging about my to do list that's anywhere from 20-50 miles long.
I am queen of procrastinating.
I even vacuumed my bedroom (needed but not on the list) earlier today just for something else to do.
You see, David's parents are coming into town in a few days for about a week or so.
So I'm trying to get the house cleaned up and ready for them on top of maintaining the actual every day house cleaning on top of kids and their total boredom (thanks horrible nasty rainy weather for that) on top of shampooing my carpets because of said nasty rainy weather + dogs, on top of blog deadlines to meet on top of scheduling some blog posts for while they're here because I think it'd be a bit rude for me to be glued to my laptop while they're here.
This picture does NOT EVEN do it justice. It was nasty. It's worse now. The sun came out for about 20 minutes long enough to bring a ridiculous amount of flies out and into my house while I had the door open in hopes of getting the dogs out to pee before the rain came back.
This pile includes my grocery list, my meal plan (neither of which are finished), this payday's budget, my blog to-do list (two pages alone) and my little notebook of blog ideas.
There are about 5 of these that don't need replies.
This (blog comments folder) is after I deleted the anonymous spam comments and the no-reply comments (after hunting them down or at least trying to to let them know that they're no-reply) and the ones that didn't really need a reply.
another view just because what kind of procrastinator would I be if I didn't take more than one picture?!
Also, that decaf coffee is most certainly NOT for me. It's for my father in law. I don't do decaf anything. Psht.
See where it says "internation -cuz I'm too lazy to add the "al"?! coffee blah blah"? Thanks Chelsea for that mess. I'm determined to try it not because of her latest vlog.
Also, that decaf coffee is most certainly NOT for me. It's for my father in law. I don't do decaf anything. Psht.
See where it says "internation -cuz I'm too lazy to add the "al"?! coffee blah blah"? Thanks Chelsea for that mess. I'm determined to try it not because of her latest vlog.
Then I took a few pictures of these two. they're just cute.
Also, this is what days are like with baby Owen.
Do you see how crazy/brave he is?!
And in the process of all of this, I made lunch. I mean like I actually cooked bacon to make turkey/bacon sandwiches, toasted bread, etc etc.
I spent TIME on lunch.
The power went out a few times. Just long enough to annoy me as I was doing this post and mess with my pictures long enough to make my eye twitch.
I kind of giggled at kids as they ran past my window to get home. (Remember the sun that appeared for a whopping 20 minutes?! Poor kids).
I worried about the major amount of sirens I heard.
I hoped it would stop raining before David got off work and had to drive home.
Normally the rain doesn't bother either of us-he rides his bike in it no problem but today (and the rest of the week) he's off post at the local college for a weird class and it's a bit farther out via the interstate than where he normally comes from.
Blah blah blah.
I paused to promote my BFF's new store!
(The Ida is my new fav! America is 2nd!)
Oh and playing a LOT of candy crush.
I tweeted about it.
It was entertaining.... to me at least.
I need to be:
Blogging actual stuff that I need to get blogged.
4 posts have deadlines.
Scheduling posts for the next two ish weeks.
Finishing up the meal plan and grocery list.
Moving Maddie's bed into Fin's room to make a make-shift not twin size bed for them to have while they're here.
Dishes because with a family of 5, they're just nonstop.
Figuring out what to make for dinner tonight.
Emailing Tawny the guest post I promised her.
Reply to emails.
Laundry. Ugh.
etc. etc. etc.
blah. blah blah.
What do you do when you procrastinate?
Blogging actual stuff that I need to get blogged.
4 posts have deadlines.
Scheduling posts for the next two ish weeks.
Finishing up the meal plan and grocery list.
Moving Maddie's bed into Fin's room to make a make-shift not twin size bed for them to have while they're here.
Dishes because with a family of 5, they're just nonstop.
Figuring out what to make for dinner tonight.
Emailing Tawny the guest post I promised her.
Reply to emails.
Laundry. Ugh.
etc. etc. etc.
blah. blah blah.
What do you do when you procrastinate?
June 10, 2020
A long weekend & a swap.
Our weekend just seemed so long. It was David's first full weekend off in a long time.
Saturday we had a birthday party to attend.
Sunday was for relaxing and a quick trip to the grocery store.
Now for a ton of random pictures because that's slowly becoming my Monday thing to do!
Fin & Maddie had a tea party with sweet tea and goldfish.
After the birthday party, we hung out in a friend's backyard playing. Owen went through THREE outfits. He loved the water table.
That's Owen under there! Ha! I kept trying to get him to yell or growl but he just laughed.
And when I wore it, he'd give me kisses and laugh.
I felt a bit patriotic.
The kids apparently made an ice cream pile out of blankets.
I found them sleeping like this.
Maddie's feet are all up in Fin's face, she's wearing black tights and Bella's butt (the cat) is all up in Maddie's face.
They're nuts.
We NEVER have wrapping paper in our house so we improvise. Usually with tissue paper but lately David's gotten more creative.
Brown paper bag + David's drawing skills = a picture she saved to hang on her wall. It was sweet.
That's a fly. In my coffee. Yup.
This was Friday morning.
Follow me on facebook, I shared my AWESOME (sarcasm) Friday morning here.
Most of the Friday shenanigans that took place were because of these two.
We found a Rollie Pollie!!!
Well, a LOT of them really. They were all over the backyard.
Maddie was the only one brave enough to let it crawl on her.
He is getting so big, guys. So fast!!
Anyway, on to the swap!!
Remember the Sunny Summer Swap with Melissa & Sarah?!
My partner was Ricci of Ricci Explains it All.
This is what she sent:
I can't even describe how great this candle smells!!
I am so in love with everything that came in this box!!
She was so fun to swap with too and send the best card!
You guys definitely need to go say hi to her and see the goodies I sent her way :)
Also, if you haven't yet, go order a Bloggers Do It Better tee!
If the goal isn't met, none of them get printed and nobody gets a shirt! Plus, you just need one cuz well....look at em!!
Go HERE to order. You can spare $11 to get a cute shirt and to help out a fellow blogger (me). I would greatly greatly appreciate it more than you can possibly imagine.
That's been my weekend. How was yours?
If you do a post about your Sunny Summer Swap, be sure to link it up :)
Saturday we had a birthday party to attend.
Sunday was for relaxing and a quick trip to the grocery store.
Now for a ton of random pictures because that's slowly becoming my Monday thing to do!
Fin & Maddie had a tea party with sweet tea and goldfish.
After the birthday party, we hung out in a friend's backyard playing. Owen went through THREE outfits. He loved the water table.
That's Owen under there! Ha! I kept trying to get him to yell or growl but he just laughed.
And when I wore it, he'd give me kisses and laugh.
I felt a bit patriotic.
The kids apparently made an ice cream pile out of blankets.
I found them sleeping like this.
Maddie's feet are all up in Fin's face, she's wearing black tights and Bella's butt (the cat) is all up in Maddie's face.
They're nuts.
We NEVER have wrapping paper in our house so we improvise. Usually with tissue paper but lately David's gotten more creative.
Brown paper bag + David's drawing skills = a picture she saved to hang on her wall. It was sweet.
That's a fly. In my coffee. Yup.
This was Friday morning.
Follow me on facebook, I shared my AWESOME (sarcasm) Friday morning here.
Most of the Friday shenanigans that took place were because of these two.
We found a Rollie Pollie!!!
Well, a LOT of them really. They were all over the backyard.
Maddie was the only one brave enough to let it crawl on her.
He is getting so big, guys. So fast!!
Anyway, on to the swap!!
Remember the Sunny Summer Swap with Melissa & Sarah?!
My partner was Ricci of Ricci Explains it All.
This is what she sent:
I can't even describe how great this candle smells!!
I am so in love with everything that came in this box!!
She was so fun to swap with too and send the best card!
You guys definitely need to go say hi to her and see the goodies I sent her way :)
Also, if you haven't yet, go order a Bloggers Do It Better tee!
If the goal isn't met, none of them get printed and nobody gets a shirt! Plus, you just need one cuz well....look at em!!
Go HERE to order. You can spare $11 to get a cute shirt and to help out a fellow blogger (me). I would greatly greatly appreciate it more than you can possibly imagine.
That's been my weekend. How was yours?
If you do a post about your Sunny Summer Swap, be sure to link it up :)
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