December 31, 2020

No nonsense

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of No nonsense. All opinions are 100% mine.
My fashion sense has always been pretty easy going: cute and comfy/casual.
Every now and again, I'll throw in something off the wall just to mix it up a bit but I stick with the cute/comfy/casual. Can't go wrong with the 3 C's in the fashion world.

When I got the opportunity to try some No nonsense tights and leggings I jumped on the chance! Three C's people! I was so excited when they FINALLY arrived!  I received a pair of black No nonsense leggings as well as a pair of grey No nonsense tights.

I paired the leggings with my go-to sweater and a black tank and some flats. It was the perfect lounge around the house outfit, pick Fin up from school outfit, swing by Starbucks outfit.  Cute, Casual and Comfy! I'm telling you, STICK WITH THE THREE C's! No nonsense leggings and tights are affordable enough that you can't not pick up some for yourself!

Miss Maddie loves to be my little helper! She'll stand still so that I can zoom the camera where it needs to be and let it focus while I press that little timer button. She's handy to have around.

I'm not ashamed to tell you that I've worn my leggings probably more in the last two weeks than I have any other article of clothing.
I'm okay with that. They're so comfortable, I just can't NOT wear them.

If my word isn't good enough, let me also state that Jill Martin,an Emmy Award-winning TV personality and the co-author of the New York Times bestselling style guide, "I Have Nothing to Wear!" has teamed up with No nonsense as the brand's new ambassador! That right there tells you that you NEED to invest in some of these bad boys!

Seriously though, find them on facebook.
No nonsense on Facebook
Check em out.
You can even follow them on twitter!
Swing by your local food & drug stores as well as mass retail stores and pick up some already!

Oh and check out this video:

December 30, 2020


In the spirit of New Year's Eve, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and share my resolutions.
But before we go there, let's talk about last year's resolutions.

Here are last year's resolutions:

1.Do at least one good deed a week & come blog about it (hopefully that'll force me to try to stick with it) --it only took me a year to come up with the 52 weeks project. shame on me

2.Comment more/stalk less. -I'm totally a blog stalker and noncommenter. Let's fix that! --I think I've improved a bit.

3.Actually stick to a workout routine. -I never really have because I knew we'd have more bittles.   Now that Baby O is here, I believe we are DONE and it's time to get my body back! --ha! did not even happen! Moving, settling, etc etc, nope.

4.Eat better. -Not that we eat terribly now, but more fruits and veggies is always a good thing. --done.

5.Do more with my bittles. -Explore more, get them out & about, let them be young. --I've accomplished this but could still do better at it.

6.FINISH at LEAST one book a month. -My poor bookshelf and kindle miss me. They told me so. --they still miss me.

7.Less time online.-Good grief, much needed.  --still need to work on this one. I've improved though.

8.Start a bucket list -self explanatory.  --go look at my pinterest board here. (and accomplishments here)

9.Spoil myself a bit. -In all honesty, I spoil the hubs and the bittles but the most I usually buy for myself is a box of hair dye or some thrift store finds or crafty what nots to make cutsie stuff for the house, others or the bittles.  --Yup. I've actually done better on this and I'm kinda proud of myself.

10. Love more, worry less.  --this should be #1 on my list. I've done better but there is ALWAYS room for improvement here.

11. be me. -Too often I find myself being cautious of what I say or do or wear. It needs to end.  --see #10's answer.

Now let's move on to this year's resolutions.
Honestly, it's quite a bit the same as last year's was.

I'd add inn:
12: Be more organized! Because OhMyGoodness I need organization in my life.

13: Stick to a schedule. We've done up and tested a few different schedules for ourselves and the kids and try to time them out with meals and snacks and bedtime and try to find a good balance of play time and learning time and time that we get to just squeeze in our own time and I think we've finally found a decent one. Hopefully it works out well once Fin starts school back up.
14: Attend a blogger meet up!

Overall we all just need to remember this...

I'm linking up:

December 28, 2020


A couple of weeks ago, Amber asked me if I was interested in doing a guest post on her blog. I was excited for the opportunity and said yes right away. Then reality hit…I would have to come up with a topic to write about. With work being crazy and the holidays being hectic, my mind was drawing a complete blank every time I thought about it. 

They always say, “write what you know” and I know that the World Junior Championship (WJC), an international hockey tournament, started on December 26.  To Canadians, this is a HUGE deal! People countdown to Christmas, Canadians countdown to WJC. Canadians clear and arrange their schedules around these games (myself included). You might be thinking, what does this have to do with what I know and/or this post?

I know the Five Reasons It’s Awesome To Be Canadian.

1.       There’s a unicorn on the Canadian Coat of Arms.
Not even making this up. Feel free to google it if you don’t believe me.  I don’t know why it’s there…but it’s there and it’s pretty awesome. Who puts a unicorn on a national symbol?
2.       Coloured money.
You have no idea how much easier this makes things.  Half asleep in the morning, at Tim’s getting your morning coffee and bagel, it comes to $3.57. You’re too tired to count out change or, if our money was the same colour, try and figure out which dollar amount is on the bill. Just look for the blue one ($5) and you’re on your way!
3.       Poutine.  
This is by far one of the worst things health wise that you can eat. But it is sooooo good. To a lot of people, it doesn’t even sound appetizing- French fries, gravy and cheese curds. But trust me, this is one of the most delicious things you will ever eat. Ever.
4.       Hockey.
There is nothing else that brings our country together more than hockey. It’s our national past time and key to our cultural identity. There’s the actual sport, The Great One, songs and it even appears on our money.  Hockey is life or death in Canada.
5.       This video:

Thanks to Amber for letting me guest post today. You can find me at

David & my brother drove through Canada on the way down from Alaska-they say it's beautiful! And that the people were friendly.
Even the cop that pulled them over and wrote them a ticket.

Thanks, Melissa for hogging my blog! :)
Go check out Melissa's blog and tell her I said hello!

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 26, 2020

Let's talk about assumptions.

So after my giveaway on Neely's blog I got to wondering negatively about people....
I wonder if anyone was all like, "what?! hasn't she been bitching about finances for the past few months, how's she gonna spend money on a giveaway?!"

Now I hope that nobody has thought this, but I'm sure someone has.

Maybe I should title this post something else, but eh.

So in the giveaway, I included a $10 Dunkin' donuts gift card, a coffee cup, a to-go coffee cup and a little coffee sampler pack thingy.
The DD card I bought months ago off Groupon for $3. The coffee cup and sampler pack I bought about the same time I bought my ad space on Neely's blog (for the giveaway I knew I'd get to host) and then I picked up the to go cup one day for a whopping $4 (on sale).  So yea--even prefinance issues, I'm still cheap frugal.

I have ads on (starting soon)  For love of a cupcake, A complete waste of makeup and Jessica Who. (starting soon) Bigger bloggers equal bigger prices.
But all of those I bought MONTHS ago when they had some AMAZING promo codes up for grabs.

I've also tweeted and instagramed about some new clothes.
From Shabby apple.
From Florence Adams.
I've talked about my new Erin Condren planner.

What you don't know about those--giveaway wins.  For realz. 
I spent $3 on the shabby apple dress and asked David if it was okay. It ONLY was financially okay because we'd gotten some Christmas money from my Grandpa.

I also talk about how David'll bring me home starbucks-- giveaway wins.  He has my card, I have the app on my phone.

So basically,  (this is a pointless and rambly post in case you haven't already noticed that) when you assume something..... well, I'm pretty sure we all know the end of that phrase.

**This post has been brought to you by my wandering thoughts and the fact that I'm avoiding cleaning up the dinner mess.  You're welcome**
This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 24, 2020

I can't think of a good title.

Merry Christmas Eve!!
I hope you all have a super duper Merry Christmas!!

I'll be back in a bit.
My family is coming down on the 26th and will be here til about the 30/31 so I probably won't be on here much while they're here.
I am SO excited to see them! I'm so excited to have them come see us!
They've never really seen our home or been in our environment so this is pretty awesome!
The kids are jumping for joy with excitement.
I know it's going to be a bit of a madhouse with out crazy Bo dog barking at them like a mad man because he's an overprotective-halfinsane-puppy.
And our house isn't like super huge.
There will be 4 extra adults here!!!
So crazy!! So fun!!

And trust me when I say that I have some GREAT posts lined up for you when I get back!!

xoxoxoxox times a million!!

OH! And the winner of December's group giveaway is

YAY!! Congrats!!
You have an email from me waiting!
And thank you everyone that participated!!

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 21, 2020

Let's get Cozy.

I've decided to link-up with Neely & Nicholl today for their cozy link-up.

When I think of cozy I think of fireplaces. Duh. Doesn't everyone?!
I mean really!! Just look at that. Do you know how awesome it'd be to cuddle up in front of that bad boy?! Yup!

(click here to read more about last year)
This time last year a bit before I had baby Owen.
Nothing screams cozy like sitting in front of a lit up Christmas tree and enjoying some quiet time.

And then last night I looked over to see this.
Just melts my heart.
They're cuddled up next to Daddy while Daddy reads em a story.
Miss Maddie actually fell asleep on him like 5 minutes later and he had
to carry her upstairs.

And this sweater!
I came across it on ebay back in October and instantly bought it.
There are other types.
It's a one size fits all.
Clearly this girl is tiny.
I'm not so much and it's still awesome on me.
This is probably one of the coziest sweaters I own.
I wear it WAY more than I should
But it's too cute to NOT wear.
Go buy your own here.
Oh and you're welcome.

So throw in some starbucks and tada.
That's my idea of cozy.

Don't miss yesterday's post.
It was basically a giant update kind of thing/link-up plus talked about the FIVE giveaways I'm a part of.
So yea. Head over and read this too.
And enter some giveaways. HERE.
This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 20, 2020

Sometimes I like to link-up.

Hey guys.
I have a cold.
So I've dedicated the day to doing NOTHING but sitting on my ass and drinking water and playing online.
(Fin's at school. Owen's sleeping. Diego is Maddie's bff and thankfully David gets home early today)
So I thought I'd link up with Amber & Neely and Melissa!
Go big or go home, right?!
Its Ok Thursdays

I don't love being sick.
It's okay that I'm being a bum because of it.

It's okay that I love giveaways, hosting em, entering em, winning em. Love them.
Speaking of: I'm part of THREE half a million (that I may or may not have forgotten about. Oops)!! One on Jessica who.  One on my own blog.  One on Neely's blog.
One on Melissa's blog. One on Kim's blog.
You should go enter them.
I don't love it when you don't.

I don't love making breakfast. Seriously, it's too early. If you wanna eat breakfast like hours after we've been awake, I'm good with that. Otherwise, you'll probably get cereal or poptarts. (mind you this is on school days. Weekends, I totally rock the breakfast making...remember the omelette that I made?! Follow me on instagram and you'd know what I'm talking about)
It's okay that I love breakfast foods though.

It's okay that I've yet to wrap all the Christmas presents.
I really don't love actually wrapping them. I get all excited about the idea of it but when it actuallys comes down to it, it bugs me.

It's okay that sweet baby O is awake.
I don't love that he can't decide if he wants to be awake or not.
Seirously, walking up and down the stairs right now is tortue and he's all like, "yea. I'm tired. I need to go back to bed"  then I get him up there and he's like, "haha mom! Just fucking with you. I'm gonna act like I'm going back to sleep til you hit the last step, then I'm going to scream bloody murder. Then when you get back upstairs, I'll be fine and be sipping my bottle like it's no bigs so that once again when you reach the bottom step, I'll scream".
Yea. that all just happened. Minus the him actually talking part obviously.

I don't love how stressed blogging has made me.
It's okay that I'm changing up my sponsor infos and lots of stuff for the new year.
Read more about it here.

It's okay if I ask you to sponsor me as long as I do it while wearing a mustache, right?!

I don't love asking for sponsors though. It feels weird.
But trust me, in the new year sponsoring me will be AMAZING!
And great for your blog.
Find more info about that HERE.
(keep in mind it'll be changing up QUITE a bit soon)

I don't love that people spell mustache so many different ways.
It's okay that I spelled mustache wrong in my little pic up there. Psht.
I'm a mom. My brain often doesn't work right.

Do you guys like all the little self promotions I sneaked in there?! haha.
It's okay that I just said "snuck in there" and
I don't love how weird "sneaked" sounds to me.
Am I the only one?!
This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

Secret Santa revealed!

Happy Thursday!! (It's actually Thursday today in case you noticed my mess up on the last post)

Let me first say that I really hope Carley from Suburban Sweets enjoyed her goodies!

So one night David was outside cleaning out the garage and came in with a little package for me-I just KNEW it had to be my secret santa gift!! SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!

I received some little makeup bags-super adorable and I actually needed some!
Some chocolate that was devoured before I finished looking at the goodies thanks to the help of my lovely family.
A really pretty broach and necklace/earring set.
A neck pillow that warms and cools! -David's already stolen that one from me!
Thank you dear Secret Santa for all the wonderful goodies!!

Don't forget to check out my 400th post in which two giveaways are on.
And I'm over here today giving away some awesome coffee goodies.

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 19, 2020

Happy Wednesday!! (A post you won't wanna miss!)

Happy Wednesday!
This is my 400th post!
Today I have some super lovely ladies to hog my blog and they (along with some of my large sponsors)
have some awesome gifts for you!


My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with family. Whenever we all get together, we laugh until it hurts. There's never a dull moment with them! I also love to see my kids' eyes light up at all of the Christmas magic. My favorite holiday memory would be getting a puppy from my Daddy on Christmas morning. She was the most beautiful Husky I'd ever seen! I was so happy.
Some of our traditions include The Elf on the Shelf (it's a new one this year!), baking Christmas cookies for Santa, watching Christmas movies, and each of us picking out a new ornament for our tree each year.


My favorite thing about the holidays is definitely a tie between the delicious food and time with family.  When I was little (and gas was cheaper) my family had a tradition where about a week before Christmas we would drive all around town to look at everyone's pretty Christmas lights.


My favorite part about the holidays is traveling home to Tennessee to see my in laws and spending a few weeks down there away from the hustle and bustle of army life. My best holiday memory is from when I was 4. My family always got together at my great grandparents' house - all the cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. and celebrated together. This particular year, my stepdad snuck home and set up all the presents under the tree and it happened to be the year I got a play kitchen. I never saw him and it honestly was the best Christmas I've ever had. I remember walking into the room and seeing the kitchen with a big bow on it. I was so shocked!
Traditions: Since my family is just starting out and we're making traditions as we go...we make cookies for Santa together, we each get a new ornament every year, we track Santa on NORAD, listen to Christmas music, my sisters-in-law, mom-in-law, and I scramble to wrap all the presents on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed, and last year the elves left red and green pancakes for breakfast for us!

Happy Holidays ladies! {and possibly gentlemen} My favorite thing about the holidays has got to be the food...ahh, how I love food. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, rolls, pies, sweets, & sparkling cider. It's all delish! Being in the kitchen with my family while the kids run around the house and entertain everyone is one of my favorite holiday traditions. When we're together for Christmas you can usually find us all in the kitchen together! And now having older children, as opposed to babies, I love our little traditions together like decorating the tree, hanging Christmas lights, writing letters to Santa, and leaving out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve {don't forget the reindeer food too!} I remember my parents telling me when I was a kid that when you grow up Christmas is more about watching your children enjoy it. I never really believed that until I actually became a mother myself. I could care less about presents now...I just love seeing those adorable little smiles!


My favorite thing about the holiday before this year was the cold air, Christmas lights, cocoa, songs on the radio, just the FEEL of Christmas. But lately its been HOT and that does not make it FEEL like Christmas!
This will be our second Christmas in a stationary place so I'm hoping to instill some traditions with my son now.


My favorite thing about the holidays is eating delicious food. This includes the "real foods" like turkey, ham, mashed potatoes as well as the desserts like apple pie, cookies, candy canes, candies, caramels... All of it is SO GOOD. I'm perfectly okay with gaining a few extra pounds by the end of the year so I can completely enjoy all the yumminess that holidays provide. Mmmmm. My mouth is watering just thinking of Christmas dinner and it's weeks away!

I'm not a very traditional person. Instead of following a tradition just because, I'm more interested in starting new, fun, quirky traditions. Ones that make you think "uh, really?" For example last year I decided to forgo any Christmas stockings and instead do...CHRISTMAS PINATAS. Aw, yeah. This is becoming mine and my husband's Christmas tradition. We'll each pick out our own pinata(last year we had Pikachu and a hula girl) and fill them up with our favorite candies. It's a silly tradition, but it's ours. :)

Now onto this amazing giveaway!!

And I'm over here on Jessica Who as part of her 12 days of giveaways!

December 17, 2020

In the new year.

In the new year I hope to change things up around here a bit.
I've been going back and forth on a few different ideas.
I recently announced my 52 weeks project.
I'll still be a co-host of the pinspiration project with Melissa & Sarah.

I plan to cut down my sponsoring options.
I'm going to do away with the Bottom B post (the in post ad)
I've already done away with smalls.
I'm still debating on how I want to do the Large & Mediums.
I might just make it all one size with guest post/giveaway option.
Probably no group giveaway. It's too much to keep up with and I don't really like hosting one.
I love giveaways, don't get me wrong but at this time I just don't feel that the group giveaways are right for my blog.
I want to be able to focus more attention on the fewer sponsors that I have instead of blowing up twitter/blog/facebook with the 10357203789238409867 sponsors that I have.

I want to spend more time focusing on me and my writing instead of worrying that I'm not doing a good enough job spreading the sponsor love.

I hope all of this is making sense and I'm not just rambling. (which if you've been a long time reader, you know that I am super super good at-haha)

I hope to actually sit and blog, ramble, vent, express my thoughts, share my brain, my views, my opinions, more me than whatever this mess has turned into.

Between all the sponsor posts, the giveaways, the link-ups, I've become a bit burnt out. I've been trying to hard to keep up with the blog world that I find myself getting overwhelmed and not even wanting to mess with it.  That is so sad! I love the blog land. I love my little blog. I love having a place to go to just spill my guts but lately I've been so focused on trying to be a blogger that I've forgotten to just blog.

So with that, hey!
I'm Amber.

You'll be seeing a lot more of me around here soon.
Hope you're okay with that.

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 15, 2020

Silence and Support.

To the Blog World and Anyone Else who Wants to Help,

Yesterday, tragedy struck so many of us in ways we did not foresee. An elementary school and small town in Connecticut was shattered by a mass shooting. We knew we wanted to help and we came up with this:

On Tuesday, December 18th, there will be a blogger day of silence.
We will post the button and that's it. Please try to not post anything else that day if possible.

We are also raising money that will go to an organization in the memory of this tragedy. The organization is called The Newtown Family Youth and Family Services. Here is the official description of the support service we are donating to:

"Newtown Youth and Family Services, Inc. is a licensed, non-profit, mental health clinic and youth services bureau dedicated to helping children and families achieve their highest potential. NYFS provides programs, services, activities, counseling, support groups and education throughout the Greater Newtown area.


Please visit THIS PAGE to make your donation.

We can't imagine how they must be feeling, especially this close to the holidays. We would love for you to spread the word on your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Let's make a difference and use blogging in a positive way. Thank you in advance for participating.

The Blog World

p.s. If you would like to, copy-paste and repost any part of this, please do. Share on.

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 14, 2020

Neighbors and their assumptions.

Living on base, we have neighbors. Like same wall neighbors. Better than Alaska though when we had neighborwalls on both sides. Here at Ft Benning, we only share one wall. But they're thin. I head their music. They probably hear me yelling at the dog.
With that in mind, I often wonder what they think of us. We've yet to really meet them. We see each other in passing and they don't even wave or acknowledge us. It's weird. I'm unsure if they're anti-social or just don't care to meet us. (Based on the amount of people they have over that quite often block our mailbox, I'm going with the latter).

Anyway, read on to hear about why Elizabeth's neighbors probably think they're getting divorced.

Hey! My name is Elisabeth and I blog over at Bella about the love of life, food, and family. I'm a 22 year old senior at Brigham Young University studying International Relations. Fascinating right? (or maybe just to me? thats okay) My blog is my creative outlet and my journal of life as a newlywed.

This beautiful male specimen is my husband, Ben. He just graduated in Chemical Engineering from BYU and is a lover of rock climbing, warm cookies, and me. You can read more about how we met, our engagement, and our wedding here.

I love blogging about romance but I thought I'd share a not so romantic hilarious experience we had recently:

Late at night I got a phone call from a friend, a slightly drunk, borderline hysterical, and incredibly close friend. Yes, it was boy drama (but seriously, her life is more dramatic than any reality series of watched - if only I could tell you the stories).

When she calmed down enough to tell me what happened it was my turn for hysterics. I choked. I couldn't really breathe, and I certainly couldn't formulate complete sentences.

I dashed outside (so not to disturb a studying Ben), without any shoes on, sobbing "How could he! What was he thinking? I just ... I wish I could... I can't believe..."

I almost failed to notice the neighbors who witnessed my sobbing exit from our apartment.

The next afternoon we were headed for a weekend getaway. I was to pick up Ben from work. I walked out of the apartment and almost failed to notice those same neighbors witness me leaving the apartment, a little more composed, all alone, suitecase in tow.

I promise, it wasn't what it looked like.

Have you ever had people overhear awkward conversations?
Hop over to Bella and say hi!

Seriously, isn't that hilarious?!
I often wonder what my neighbors think about us and some of the crazy things that have gone on in our time.
Hopefully nothing too crazy.
Now.... go say hello to Elizabeth!
Also, isn't she just gorgeous?!

Be sure to check out this blog as well:

December 12, 2020

I have a weak spot for Nashville.

Hey hey guys! Special treat for you today!!
Rachel!! Rachel is so sweet! Her little boy is adorable! And I'm super happy to have her on my sidebar this month!
And we have SO much in common! She loves my blog, I love my blog! Ha ha ha.
No but really, she's a Nashville girl so that automatically makes her awesome in my book. Nashville is my favorite town in the whole entire world. I love so many different people there and Rachel is becoming one of them!
So without further ado, I give you Rachel!

Hi y'all. My name is Rachel and I am one of Amber's sponsors this month! I'm so glad that I am on her sidebar because I love her blog so much. Let me tell you a little bit about myself...

I am 30( I don't feel like I am ), I have a wonderful husband named Brent and a little 13 month old boy named Rowen, and I live in Nashville, TN. Born and raised in Nashville as a matter of fact and I never plan on leaving...unless some crazy opportunity to live in a cooler city presents itself to us...probably won't happen! If you have never been to Nashville before, you should totally come visit. There is so much to do. It is quite a fun city! 

I started blogging, well actually my husband started this blog right after we got married to keep friends and family( especially out of towners )up to date on our life. I quickly took over and made it my little space on the www. I enjoy blogging about my day to day activities, DIY projects that I try to do at least a few times a month, things I enjoy, and of course my husband and baby...there is a lot about him on here! He is just so cute that I can't help but take tons of pictures of him! I do like to include lots of pictures in each of my posts. I think it makes reading about me/my life more fun if you can actually see what I am doing. And I just like to take pictures! I'll end with a little fun fact quiz about myself.
1. Favorite food- Mac and Cheese. I could eat it everyday...not joking!
2. Favorite city besides my own- Chicago. This is the one and only city that I have wanted to live in and that I would move to in a heartbeat!
3. My all time favorite Christmas movie- The Holiday. I could watch it over and over and over...wait, I HAVE watched it over and over and over...THIS week! haha. 
4. Favorite hobby- running. I am a runner and have been ever since 7th grade. I love short races( 5 miles and under )and it's just a time where I can release stress and connect with the outdoors.
5. I really love my life and wouldn't change one thing. I am blessed beyond measure and try to enjoy the little things each and everyday. It's the little things in life, right?! 

And just because I love giveaways, I am including one just for y'all. Enjoy!
Peppermint candy cane sugar scrub! Just enter through rafflecopter below.

Head on over and check out Rachel's blog!
Blog TwitterInstagramPinterest. 

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 11, 2020

It's a Pinspiring day.

Happy Tuesday.

I got projects.
Lots of projects.
We've done lots of em.
But it's been busy around here.
So today you get some of my projects minus my pictures.

Made this.
Kids loved it.
No pics though because I'm lame and forgot to upload them. 
I took them.

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!

December 10, 2020

Hey. Okay! Hello, Monday!

Hey guys! Happy Monday!
I laughed a little as I typed that. Hopefully your Monday is FAB-U-LOUS!
Since it's Monday it's time for a weekend wrap up.

This past week/weenend:

I introduced Chelsea to you. She's amazing.
I announced my 52 weeks project. Spread the word!

I got some mail from one of my bloggy BFF's, Melissa.
How sweet is she?!
The note even told me not to share!
Symphony bar, lipgloss, eyeshadow, socks, meal plan & jewelry I won in a giveaway from her and Jay. Oh and my clicker came that day too but not from Melissa! haha.
She had texted me earlier in the week, "Quick favorite disney princess!"
Which then lead to a conversation about how hard it is to actually pick a favorite!
Seriously, think about it! Do you have a favorite?! If so, do tell! And please tell why!
I got a badassBLEEP new layout thanks to the lovely Sarah.
We started with

Then I constantly clicked refresh to watch it change as Sarah built it up.

And then the final product!
And tada! What do you think?! I personally love it!!
Sarah is doing some design work if you're interested!
And for only $20! Can't beat that.
Hit that hooker up.
**And by hooker, she hooks herself out. she mentions it here**

And then the kids & I did some more of our Advent chain link countdown thing. But more on that soon.
Hope you all had a great weekend!

OHHHHH yea! 
This week's top three clicked:
#1 most clicked:
DIY Noel Bunting Banner.

#2 goes to:
Egg Nog Cookies.

#3 most clicked of the week:
Homemade Christmas tree

This Month's Bittles Bottom B!


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